Lovebytes Computer Dating Service

Not Ready for Mr. Right or Miss Right. How about Mr. or Miss Right Now?

A new way to get a date


A new computer dating service has come to town, Its called Lovebytes. A byte is a unit of digital information that consists of eight bits. Since a computer is used to to find love, thus the name Lovebytes. It is not like any other dating service around. It is meant for just for high high school and college students. They help you find a date - not the forever kind, just one for right now. Most people beliece that young people have no difficulty finding a date. Nothing could be furher than from the truth according to CEO, Jerry Belch. He says that there are so many things competing for our time that dating just takes the back seat. No pun intended.

Written by Sherry Bell,

Editor of the Richmond High School Gazette.

Lovebytes Dating Profile

Respondent Janet Coy

Profile generated by LoveBytes.exe